Fall Colours and Fire in my Bones

We watched the weather for a few weeks with anxious anticipation. It had been a long time since we had worked Algonquin in peak autumn colour. After several weekends' forecasts for rain, we finally decided just to go on Thanksgiving weekend. On Friday Lori came with me to work so we could leave right after my afternoon class. But at the college there were no available outdoor parking spots to park a van with a canoe on the roof. I drove past the underground parking garage. It said 7 feet maximum. Hmmm, we must be close to that, if not a bit over. So I drove slowly. The canoe just touched the big bar suspended over the entrance. I carefully drove into a parking space. We just fit.
A little after 6 p.m we hit the road for the Park. We made only one quick stop in Huntsville and got to the Motel in Whitney around 10:30. It had rained hard the entire trip and had been a long day. So we went to bed and set the alarm for 6 a.m.
When the alarm went off the next day we got right up and headed into the Park. We stopped to get a permit at the East Gate just as it was beginning to get a little brighter. I drove to Brewer’s Lake and waited for first light.

The colour was at its peak. It was frosty and the light was great. We continued to shoot as we drove or hiked in the Park.

It felt like it used to feel long ago. Shooting just for the joy if it, because I’m compelled, driven to do this. Nice to know those feelings are still there. Nice to know that at 50 I still have fire in my bones. I was starting to wonder if it would ever come back.
The next 2 days went much the same - up early, working in the predawn light. We had some lovely frost on Monday. I saw an image about to happen and pulled the van over. Smiling I set up the tripod and camera and ran to get into position. In 5 minutes it was gone. But it was long enough for me to get a few shots.

After that I worked the frost covered leaves at the side of the road and then moved on to look for more landscapes.

Heading west out of the park we came upon a large number of cars at the side of the road. There were two bull moose cavorting about, even butting heads. We got out and joined the crowd. Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking when they walk up to a large wild animal like a bull moose with small children in tow. They pose the kids dangerously close to the moose and proceed to take photos with point and shoot cameras. Now I understand that it is a big deal to see a moose for most of these people. For some, this was their first time. But these animals are very dangerous. Funny most people don't see it that way. I always cringe when I see this kind of thing.

It felt great to be out shooting images. It felt like it used to when I was younger and free to just shoot. Must see if I can keep that going.

Labels: autumn, first light, landscapes, moose, nature photography
Fall has always been my favorite season and you captured it beautifully. Now I want to jump in the leaves...
The photos are beautiful! For some reason, the leaves seemed extra pretty this year. Glad you still have the fire!!!!
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