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Saturday 3 September 2011

The Law of Diminishing Returns

Lori kayaking by an iceberg
Lori kayaking by an iceberg - Click for larger

I have been coast to coast in Canada many times over the past 20 years. We have travelled in planes, trains, boats and automobiles. We have also travelled in canoes, kayaks and on foot. Some places we have even revisited over the years. Usually the first time is the most exciting. This year, Newfoundland felt like it had lost a bit of its shine. Maybe the bad weather had something to do with my perception. Although I think anyplace would have a difficult time living up to my expectations the second time round if my first visit was spectacular. Our first trip there we kayaked around icebergs and had caribou run past us. We were wide-eyed and smitten.
Caribou Cow and Calf
Caribou Cow and Calf - Click for larger
Ice Floes at La Scie, NL
Ice Floes at La Scie, NL - Click for larger

There are very few places that hold that magic of a first visit. Lake Superior however, has never disappointed me. Gargantua Rocks
Gargantua Rocks - Click for larger

Regardless of the weather, I always enjoy the north shore.
Sandpiper - Click for larger

After braving one of the wettest summers on the east coast in memory, Lori and I loaded up the canoe and headed to Lake Superior Provincial Park. We wanted to enjoy a bit of summer before returning to the daily grind. Waves crashing on the shore was all we could hear. It was so loud, we had to yell to communicate if we were more than 10 feet from each other. It was a little rough for canoeing so we didn’t go far. With little ambition for not much more than reading, swimming, and eating, we somehow filled our day nicely. Red Sky over Lake Superior
Red Sky over Lake Superior - Click for larger

I didn’t pick up the camera much during the week - only if the light was too good to ignore. I did do a little light painting with a big Maglight flashlight. It’s always fun to play and just shoot for the joy of it. Gargantua Rocks
Gargantua Rocks - Click for larger

All in all, it was a great summer! Hope you had a good one too.

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Anonymous Jay said...

I'm in NL for the first time and it sounds like I lucked out with the weather. It's been sunny since got off the ferry on Wednesday. I can't believe I've waited this long to visit this incredible province. For the record Lake Superior has never disappointed me either and is my favourite park in Ontario.

3 September 2011 at 20:09  
Anonymous Marta said...

What beautiful photos! Glad you had a great summer!

27 September 2011 at 15:39  

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