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Thursday 24 December 2020

Goodbye 2020...

Prince Edward Point, ON
Prince Edward Point, ON

What a year! A new house, a new town and a pandemic. Such mixed emotions. Still we are hopeful for a better year in 2021. Not that this year has been bad for us. We have been limited in where we could go and what we could do but we made the best of it. I’m so glad we moved when we did. Just in the nick of time.

I worked most days. There is so much to see here in Prince Edward County (PEC) and nearby area. Here are a few images that stand out to me.

Point Petre, ON
Point Petre, PEC, ON

American Mink
American Mink (PEC)

Gray Ratsnake
Gray Ratsnake (Frontenac Provincial Park)

Male Northern Bush Katydid
Male Northern Bush Katydid (PEC)

Beaver (PEC)
Barred Owl
Barred Owl (PEC)
Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower (PEC)

All the best for the New Year and bring on the vaccine!

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