Longing for the Open Road

Every time I finish a long road trip I think ok, this is the last one. I’m done with this. And then, with time I start to think, maybe we could go to Newfoundland or Jasper in the fall. I haven’t dared start to plan a big trip during the pandemic. Hopefully we will be able to get away somewhere this year. It may not be out of the province but a change of scene would sure help perk up our spirits. This has been a long haul…
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
-- A.A. Milne
To lose patience is to lose the battle.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.
-- George Harrison
Labels: Crystal Palace, Klu, longing, Picton, road trips, Sandbanks Provincial Park ON; Blanding's Turtle; American Redstart; Barn Swallow; Northern Lights; Termination Dust, Yellow Warbler, Yukon